2009, 48, 1, 43-53



Katarzyna Guz*, Włodzimierz Doroszkiewicz

Zakład Mikrobiologii, Instytut Genetyki i Mikrobiologii,
Uniwersytet Wrocławski ul. Przybyszewskiego 63/77,
50-148 Wrocław, tel. 71-375 62 78, tel./fax 71- 325 21 51

Wpłynęło w maju 2008 r.

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Historia badań. 3. Przynależność systematyczna Bartonella sp. 4. Charakterystyka pałeczek z rodzaju Bartonella. 5. Cykl rozwojowy i chorobotwórczość pałeczek Bartonella sp. 6. Epidemiologia bartoneloz. 7. Bartonelozy jako choroby wektorowe i odzwierzęce (zoonozy). 8. Bartonelozy u ludzi. 9. Podsumowanie

Biology, ecology and pathogenicity of rods of the Bartonella genus

Abstract:The investigation of Bartonella rods began in the second half of the XX century. During the last 15 years several new species of bacteria belonging to the genus Bartonella have been discovered and all the infections caused by these microorganisms have been rated as „emerging and re-emerging diseases". At present, over 20 species of the genus Bartonella are known. Recently, fourteen of them have been associated with an increasing spectrum of clinical syndromes in humans including bacillary angiomatosis, peliosis hepatis, bacteremia, endocarditis, myocarditis, neuritidis, chronic lymphadenopathy, and cat scratch disease. Bartonellosis is widespread while the Carrion's disease appears only in endemic regions of South America. Some of Bartonella species can also cause veterinary problems. They are responsible for illnesses of domestic animals. Mammals, particularly rodents, are the natural reservoirs of Bartonella spp. They often cause an intraerythrocytic asymptomatic bacteremia in the host. Bartonellos is are vector-borne diseases that are transmitted by blood-sucking arthropods such as: fleas, lice or ticks. A recent research has proved that these bacteria can be transmitted directly as a zoonosis by cats' or rats' scratches or bites. Bartonella sp. are fastidious, aerobic, pleomorphic gramnegative rods, which grow slowly in the enriched culture medium. Diagnosis of Bartonella sp. infections is a rapidly expanding field. Useful methods in the identification of Bartonella species comprise the techniques employed in microbiology, histology, genetics and serology. The most universal method to identify Bartonella infection is still serology testing. At present, the investigations of Bartonellaceae family are carried out in many research centres. It is evident that the growing knowledge about the biology and ecology of these microorganisms is reflected in the constant improvement of the methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention.

1. Introduction. 2. History of investigation. 3. Taxonomy of Bartonella sp. 4. Characteristics of rods of the Bartonella genus. 5. Life cycle and pathogenicity of Bartonella rods. 6. Epidemiology of bartonellosis. 7. Bartonellosis as a vector-borne and zoonotic diseases. 8.  Bartonellosis in humans. 9. Conclusion

Słowa kluczowe: Bartonella spp., bartonelozy, biologia i ekologia, metody diagnostyczne
Key words: Bartonella spp., bartonellosis, biology and ecology, diagnostic methods


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