2009, 48, 4, 243-254



Urszula Jankiewicz

Katedra Biochemii Wydziału Rolnictwa i Biologii SGGW

Wpłynęło w listopadzie 2009 r.

1. Wstęp. 2. Charakterystyka piowerdyn. 3. Transport ferripiowerdyny do komórki bakterii. 4. Biosynteza piowerdyny i jej regulacja. 4.1. Geny odpowiedzialne za syntezę piowerdyny. 4.2. Regulacja biosyntezy składników aktywnego transportu żelaza. 5. Inne funkcje i potencjalne zastosowanie piowerdyn. 5.1. Znaczenie i zastosowanie piowerdyn bakterii glebowych. 5.2. Znaczenie i zastosowanie piowerdyn w medycynie. 6. Podsumowanie

Characteristics and significance of pyoverdines of the genus Pseudomonas

Abstract: Pyoverdines of Pseudomonas bacteria have been intensely studied over the past few years. This is connected with the significant role siderophores have in physiological processes and in the achieving of an ecological niche by Pseudomonas bacteria as well as with the practical uses people have found for them. Several dozen pyoverdines with different peptide chain structures have been characterised. Besides pyoverdine, a whole range of proteins are involved in obtaining iron; they create an entire system with a high iron affinity. Studies into the characteristics and regulation of the gene coding of individual elements of this system are being carried out. An insufficiently studied phenomenon is the secretion of pyoverdines by bacteria living in environments poor in iron, whereas our understanding is increasing in the specific recognition and transport of iron-bound pyoverdine (ferripyoverdine) into bacteria cells.

1. Introduction. 2. Characteristics of pyoverdines. 3. Transport of ferripyoverdine into the bacterial cell. 4. Biosynthesis of pyoverdine and its regulation. 4.1. Genes responsible for pyoverdine synthesis. 4.2. Regulation of the biosynthesis of the components of the active transport of iron. 5. Functions and potential use. 5.1. The significance of pyoverdines of the soil-borne strains of Pseudomonas. 5.2. The significance of pyoverdines in medicine. 6. Summary

Słowa kluczowe: niedobór żelaza, piowerdyna, siderofor
Key words: iron limitation, pyoverdine, siderophore


* Autor korespondencyjny: Katedra Biochemii Wydziału Rolnictwa i Biologii SGGW, ul. Nowoursynowska 159, 02-776 Warszawa; tel: (22) 59 325 58; fax: (22) 39 325 62


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