Marek Niemialtowski*, Lidia Szulc**, Anna Boratyńska**, Lech Martyniszyn**,
Justyna Struzik**, Justyna Karandys**
Zakład Immunologii, Katedra Nauk Przedklinicznych, Wydział Medycyny Weterynaryjnej SGGW, ul. Ciszewskiego 8, 02-786 Warszawa
Wpłynęło w listopadzie 2009 r.
1. Wstęp. 2. Ortopokswirusy oraz historia „wariolacji" i „wakcynacji" jako przykład roli intuicji i spostrzegawczości w badaniach naukowych. 3. Indukcja wrodzonej i nabytej odporności przeciwzakaźnej przez wirusowe zakażenia ośrodkowego układu nerwowego. 4. Ortopokswirus ospy myszy wartościowym modelem badawczym nad immunobiologią wirusa ospy ludzkiej. 5. Podsumowanie
Smallpox: looking back to Edward Jenner and even a little further
Abstract: The World Health Organization (WHO) announced on May 8 1980 that smallpox was the first human infectious disease eradicated from the environment. It was possible thanks to the spectacular success of the Intensified Smallpox Eradication Program initiated in 1967 by WHO. In this article, we summarize the fascinating history of smallpox variolation and vaccination. We also acknowledge Edward Jenner (1749-1823), the father of immunology and one of the world's greatest scientific visionaries, who was many years ahead of his times. Since the studies on variola virus (VARV) are not accepted by the civilized countries, public opinion and scientific community, the progress in the immunobiology of VARV and the production of modern vaccines against smallpox will be not possible without model studies both in vivo and in vitro. Also, the lack of research would hinder the understanding of virus nature and the cellular and molecular mechanisms of the disease. For this reason, in our laboratory we are conducting studies on immunobiology of ectromelia virus (ECTV) and on mousepox pathogenesis as a substitute for VARV and smallpox.
1. Orthopoxviruses and history of variolation and vaccination as an example of intuition and quickness of perception in scientific research. 2. Induction of innate and acquired anti-infectious immunity by viral infections of central nervous system. 3. Mousepox orthopoxvirus as a valuable scientific model to study the immunobiology of variola virus. 4. Summary
Słowa kluczowe: wirus ektromelii, wirus ospy prawdziwej
Key words: ectromelia virus, variola virus