Katarzyna Beata Obrębska1, Agnieszka Szczygła1, Marzena Matejczyk1,2
1Zakład Nauk Biologicznych, Wyższa Szkoła Kosmetologii i Ochrony Zdrowia
ul. Krakowska 9, 15-875 Białystok, e-mail:
2Zakład Biologii Sanitarnej i Biotechnologii, Wydział Budownictwa i Inżynierii Środowiska Politechnika Białostocka, ul. Wiejska 45 A, 15-351 Białystok
Wpłynęło w październiku 2007 r.
1. Wstęp. 2. Skażenia mikrobiologiczne związane z produkcją kosmetyków. 3. Skażenia mikrobiologiczne związane z używaniem kosmetyków. 4. Konsekwencje skażenia mikrobiologicznego produktów kosmetycznych. 5. Priorytety w produkcji kosmetyków oraz normy mikrobiologiczne.
Microbiological contamination of raw materials and cosmetic products
Abstract: Cosmetics and hygienical products are used world-wide to improve human hygiene, skin condition and body appearance. Their quality is influenced by their chemical composition, active components and the presence of bacteria, protozoa and fungi. To avoid microbiological contamination, strict norms and procedures have been elaborated including Good Manual Practise (GMP) and Hazard Analysis Critical Control Points (HACCP). In spite of them, contamination takes place both, during production and the use of cosmetic products. Bacteria and fungi in cosmetics come from raw materials like water, milk, essential oils and plant tissues or originate from biofilms formed in production lines as re-contamination. The most frequently found microbes are enterobacteria, staphylococci, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, and sporeforms of Clostridium spp. and Bacillus spp. These contaminants in high number, noted in mascara, eye-shadows, shampoos or body lotions, could be the reason of corneal ulcer, toxic syndromes and skin infections. Moreover, proliferation of microbes leads to spoilage problems and to the shortening of the 'best before' period. The best way to avoid most of the problems connected with microbiological contamination is proper selection of good-quality raw materials, efficient disinfection and biofilm elimination as well as and applying the GMP procedures and HACCP rules in the factories. Education of consumers and proper storage and use of cosmetic and hygienical products are also very important.
1. Introduction. 2. Microbiological contamination during the production of cosmetics. 3. Microbiological contamination connected with the use of cosmetics products. 4. Microbiological consequences of microbial contamination in cosmetic products. 5. Priorities of cosmetics production in relation to microbiological norms
Słowa kluczowe: mikrobiologia kosmetykow, skażenia mikrobiologiczne
Key words: cosmetics microbiology, microbiological contamination