For reviewers

After the initial positive evaluation, the manuscript is assigned to the reviewers. Manuscripts are sent to at least two outside experts, but Editors themselves may also act as reviewers. The journal uses a blind revision process. Reviewers remain anonymous. The reviewers are selected according to their expertise from the Advancements of Microbiology database and/or from the corresponding author’s list.

Reviewers are asked to prepare a detailed review in terms of content.

The low language level of the article, which makes it difficult to understand, should be reported by the reviewer but should not be decisive in the rejection of the manuscript.

The following criteria should be evaluated in the revision process:

  • Significance of the scientific topic
  • Scientific level of the manuscript
  • Novelty of the provided information
  • Correctness of scientific nomenclature
  • Language and editorial correctness
  • Relevant citation of literature
  • Quality of tables and graphics

All manuscripts are checked for antiplagiarism and are rejected if plagiarism or auto-plagiarism is detected.

We ask reviewers to read the Ethical Policy Statement.

The Reviewers are requested to provide a recommendation on The Review Form and send it to  within a maximum period of two weeks. The Editor-in-Chief will make the final decision.