Formatting manuscripts’ text

Advancements of Microbiology publishes review articles in English or Polish. Manuscripts must be written in the correct language and be clear and grammatically correct. American or British English usage is accepted, but not a mixture. Manuscripts that are not written in clear and legible language may be rejected without peer review.

The editors recommend using MS Word fonts Times New Roman for text, sans serif Arial for tables, and Symbols. The manuscripts should be sent to the Editorial Office as editable text files (.doc or .docx) as an e-mail attachment. There is no maximum length of manuscripts, but a volume of work along with references and illustrations of 30 pages is recommended (font size 12, space between lines 1.5). There should be no dots after titles.

On a separate page (title page), the Authors should include the title of the work, below which should be: full names including first name and middle initial of the Authors, addresses of authors and affiliations, e-mail of the corresponding author, table of contents (titles of individual chapters and subchapters) and no more than five short keywords relevantly connected with the subject. Keywords should be provided in alphabetical order. They will be used for indexing purposes.

A work summary (maximum 250 words) should be attached in a file with the title page. All these parts must be in Polish and English in manuscripts submitted in Polish.

The article should be divided into clearly defined and numbered sections. The first section – Introduction, should provide background information and describe the review purpose. The main part of the review should be organized into subsections headed by informative subtitles.

Space for tables, drawings, graphs, and photos should be marked.

The manuscript should end with a conclusion containing the essential elements of the content.