All posts by Postępy Mikrobiologii

Listeria monocytogenes – przeżywalność i metody eliminowania w produktach mleczarskich

Listeria monocytogenes – survival and methods of its elimination from dairy products
K. Adamczewski, J. Kowalik, A. Łobacz

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Przypadki listeriozy. 3. Listerioza wywołana konsumpcją żywności zanieczyszczonej L. monocytogenes. 4. Innowacyjne rozwiązania technologiczne obniżające ryzyko występowania L. monocytogenes w żywności. 5. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Changing consumer’s preferences and expectations exhort food producers to seek for new technological solutions. Many research and epidemiological studies confirm that Listeria monocytogenes can grow in many types of food products, thus posing a serious threat to consumers. The growth of this pathogen in food may be limited by the application of different natural substances which have antimicrobial effect. Some species, oils as well as certain microorganisms and/or their metabolites exhibit antilisterial activity. Occurrence in foods and outbreaks caused by L. monocytogenes mobilize science and food industry to explore more effective, innovative but at the same time natural methods of food preservation, which would ensure the microbiological safety of food products.

1. Introduction. 2. Listeriosis outbreaks. 3. Listeriosis resulting from the consumption of food contaminated with L. monocytogenes. 4. Innovative technological solutions to reduce the risk of occurrence of L. monocytogenes in food. 5. Summary

Właściwości przeciwbakteryjne propolisu

Antibacterial properties of propolis
K. Wolska, A. Górska A. Adamiak

1. Wstęp. 2. Ogólna charakterystyka propolisu. 3. Aktywność przeciwbakteryjna propolisu. 4. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Propolis is a natural product which honey bees (Apis mellifera) manufacture from balsamic resins, actively secreted by plants on leaf buds and barks. The chemical composition of propolis is highly variable. More than 300 compounds, such as polyphenols, phenolic aldehydes, sesquiterpene, quinines, coumarins, amino acids, steroids and inorganic compounds, have been identified in propolis samples. The content depends on the specific local flora at the site of collection, on the season of collection and also on the local climate. Propolis is a complex mixture of balsams, resins, waxes, essential oils, pollen and other substances which are used by bees in the construction, repair and protection of their hives, mainly thanks to its mechanical properties, antiseptic efficacy and antimicrobial activity. Because of the broad spectrum of biological activities, propolis is still used in traditional medicine. In this article, we review the current knowledge about propolis geographic diversity and its antimicrobial activity.

1. Introduction. 2. General characteristics of propolis. 3. The antimicrobial activity of propolis. 4. Conclusion

Herpeswirus koni typ 1 – dobrze poznany, lecz ciągle stanowiący wyzwanie

Equine Herpesvirus type 1 – well known, but still challenging
K. Stasiak, J. Rola, J. F. Żmudziński

1. Wstęp. 2. Charakterystyka ogólna rodziny Herpesviridae. 3. Rys historyczny. 4. Wirion. 5. Genom. 6. Glikoproteiny. 7. Patogeneza zakażenia. 8. Choroby układu oddechowego. 9. Poronienia. 10. Zakażenia nowo narodzonych źrebiąt. 11. Zapalenia mózgu i rdzenia kręgowego. 12. Zakażenia innych gatunków zwierząt. 13. Diagnostyka laboratoryjna. 14. Immunoprofilaktyka. 15. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) is a double-stranded DNA virus occurring in all breeds of horses. It belongs to the Varicellovirus genus, Herpesviridae family and Alphaherpesvirinae subfamily. EHV-1 may cause epidemic respiratory disorders, abortions in pregnant mares, neonatal foal death, chorioretinopathy and also neurological disease, termed equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy (EHM). The infection spreads by inhalation of the aerosolised infectious virus or close contact with aborted fetuses, fetal membranes and fomites. Lifelong latency has been demonstrated especially in trigeminal ganglion, lymphatic tissues draining the respiratory tract and in peripheral blood leukocytes, from where the virus can be periodically reactivated. Both traditional serologic and virus isolation tests have been available for a long time, however, these assays have disadvantages, interfering with fast and reliable detection of EHV-1. Advances in molecular biology and the use of quantitative PCR system allow for more sensitive detection in a single genome copy range, higher analytical specificity and calculation of EHV-1 viral loads.

1. Introduction. 2. General characteristics of Herpesviridae family. 3. Historical background. 4. Virion. 5. Genome. 6. Glycoproteins. 7. Pathogenesis 8. Respiratory disorders. 9. Abortions. 10. Neonatal foal deaths. 11. Equine herpesvirus

Rys historyczny oraz aktualna taksonomia pałeczek z rodzaju Campylobacter

The history and the current taxonomy of Campylobacter species
P. Roszkowska, S. Giedrys-Kalemba, K. Galant, A. Pruss, I. Wojciechowska - Koszko

1. Rys historyczny. 2. Taksonomia. 3. Podsumowanie

The history and the current taxonomy of Campylobacter species

Abstract: The first mentions of unknown pathogenic Gram-negative curved rods date back to the 1880s. Initially, these bacteria were regarded only as a pathogen of animals, however, their clinical significance increased with the development of methods used in microbiological diagnostics. In recent decades, systematics and taxonomy of Campylobacter, initially belonging to the genus Vibrio, have undergone many transformations and modifications. Campylobacter is a separate genus since 1963 and, currently, it counts 27 species, 9 subspecies and 3 biovars. 19 species are considered to be pathogenic for humans and 9 for the animals. Nowadays, the significance of Campylobacter in the pathogenesis of infections in humans and animals is unquestionable.

1. Historical background. 2. Taxonomy. 3. Summary

Klasyczne bakterie propionowe – taksonomia,warunki hodowlane oraz zastosowanie

Dairy propionibacteria – taxonomy,culture conditions and application
J. Pawlicka-Kaczorowska, K. Czaczyk

1. Wstęp. 2. Ogólna charakterystyka klasycznych bakterii propionowych. 2.1. Taksonomia. 2.2. Ekologia. 2.3. Morfologia i metabolizm. 2.4. Wymagania hodowlane. 3. Zastosowanie klasycznych bakterii propionowych. 3.1. Przemysłowe wykorzystanie i kierunki badań. 3.2. Kwas propionowy. 3.2. Witaminy z grupy B. 3.3. Trehaloza. 3.4. Sprzężone dieny kwasu linolowego. 3.5. Czynniki bifidogenne. 3.6. Kwas 5-aminolewulinowy. 3.7. Bakteriocyny. 3.8. Właściwości przeciwdrobnoustrojowe. 3.9. Właściwości probiotyczne. 4. Podsumowanie

Dairy propionibacteria – taxonomy, culture conditions and application

Abstract: The objective of this review paper was to present the current state of knowledge about dairy propionibacteria and demonstrate their potential application in industry. Propionibacteria are Gram-positive, non-spore-forming, non-motile, facultative anaerobic, pleomorphic rods – belonging to the genus Propionibacterium. Traditionally, they are used as starters in the manufacture of Swiss-type cheeses. These bacteria produce an interestingly wide range of bioactive compounds, like B group vitamins, trehalose, conjugated linoleic acid, propionic acid, bacteriocins, bifidogenic factors. Furthermore, they are able to improve the health of humans and animals by modulation of gut microbiota, regulation of the immune system, induction of colorectal carcinoma cells apoptosis or alleviation of lactose intolerance. Due to documented probiotic properties and the ability to synthesize functional biomolecules, a growing number of studies focuses on dairy propionibacteria and their utilization as a microbial bioresource.

1. Introduction. 2. General characteristics of dairy propionibacteria. 2.1. Taxonomy. 2.2. Ecology. 2.3. Morphology and metabolism. 2.4. Growth requirements. 3. Application of dairy propionibacteria. 3.1. Industrial applications and research directions. 3.2. Propionic acid. 3.2. B group vitamins. 3.3. Trehalose. 3.4. Conjugated linoleic acid. 3.5. Bifidogenic factors. 3.6. 5-aminolevulinic acid. 3.7. Bacteriocins. 3.8. Antimicrobial properties. 3.9. Probiotic properties. 4. Summary