Biosorpcja jonów kadmu przez struktury powierzchniowe bakterii z rodzaju Lactobacillus

Biosorption of cadmium ions by cell surface structures of bacteria from Lactobacillus species
M. Michalak, K. Gustaw, A. Waśko, M. Polak-Berecka

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Zanieczyszczenie środowiska kadmem a zdrowie człowieka. 3. Bakterie z rodzaju Lactobacillus jako biosorbent jonów metali ciężkich. 4. Rola zewnętrznych struktur komórkowych w wiązaniu jonów metali ciężkich. 4.1. Biosorpcja jonów metali ciężkich przez białka powierzchniowe. 4.2. Udział polisacharydów w wiązaniu jonów metali ciężkich. 5. Czynniki wpływające na wydajność procesu biosorpcji. 6. Kinetyka procesu biosorpcji. 7. Podsumowanie

Biosorption of cadmium ions by cell surface structures of bacteria from Lactobacillus species

Abstract: Cadmium is a heavy metal which is one of the major polluting component of human and animal environment. Exposure can lead to accumulation of metal ions in the tissues, causing adverse health effects. In recent years, the ability of biological material, such as bacteria, to remove cadmium and other toxic metals have been explored. Biosorption is a process of rapid binding of metals from solution onto functional groups that occur on the surface of bacterial cells. Species such as Lactobacillus, present in the human gastrointestinal tract and in fermented food, have the ability to bind and detoxify heavy metal ions due to the occurrence of negatively charged functional groups. These bacteria offer several advantages compared to other microorganisms, primarily thanks to their probiotic activity and GRAS (Generally Recognized As Safe) status. In this review, our intention was to describe the current understanding of biosorption mechanism of lactobacilli and to explain how bacterial surface structures interact with metal ions.

1. Introduction. 2. Environmental pollution by cadmium and human health. 3. Bacteria from Lactobacillus species as biosorbent of heavy metal ions. 4. Role of extracellular structures in the binding of heavy metal ions. 4.1. Biosorption of heavy metal ions by surface proteins. 4.2. Impact of exopolysaccharides on the binding of heavy metal ions. 5. Factors affecting efficiency of biosorption process. 6. Kinetic studies of biosorption process. 7. Summary