Browsing tag: Diagnostyka

Chorobotwórczość Lactobacillus sp. – czynniki ryzyka, identyfikacja, antybiotykooporność

Pathogenicity of Lactobacillus sp. – risk factors, identification, antibiotic resistance
M. Kłos

1. Wstęp. 2. Czynniki zwiększające ryzyko infekcji Lactobacillus sp. 3. Identyfikacja Lactobacillus sp. 4. Chorobotwórczość Lactobacillus sp. 5. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Lactobacilli are found in the mucous membrane of the mouth, in the gastrointestinal tract (GIT) and in the genitourinary tract. It is known that lactobacilli have a beneficial effect on our health and are used in the production of fermented milk, yoghurts, cheese, and probiotics. However, in this article I show that lactic acid bacteria also cause many diseases. Lactobacilli produce lactic acid which acidifies the environment. There are some factors increasing the risk of infection caused by lactobacilli, such as neutropenia in immunocompromised patients and certain underlying diseases, especially diabetes. Also, lactobacilli have a natural resistance to some antibiotics, especially vancomycin. The identification of lactobacilli can be very difficult due to the number of species, subspecies and genotypic or phenotypic traits. The most advanced procedures are molecular DNA-based techniques. Conventional biochemical tests can be also used to determine some differences. Lactobacilli infection can affect both a single organ and the whole organism, causing for example lactobacillemia. The main disease caused by lactobacilli is endocarditis.

1. Introduction. 2. Risk factors. 3. Identification. 4. Pathogenicity. 5. Conclusions

Herpeswirus koni typ 1 – dobrze poznany, lecz ciągle stanowiący wyzwanie

Equine Herpesvirus type 1 – well known, but still challenging
K. Stasiak, J. Rola, J. F. Żmudziński

1. Wstęp. 2. Charakterystyka ogólna rodziny Herpesviridae. 3. Rys historyczny. 4. Wirion. 5. Genom. 6. Glikoproteiny. 7. Patogeneza zakażenia. 8. Choroby układu oddechowego. 9. Poronienia. 10. Zakażenia nowo narodzonych źrebiąt. 11. Zapalenia mózgu i rdzenia kręgowego. 12. Zakażenia innych gatunków zwierząt. 13. Diagnostyka laboratoryjna. 14. Immunoprofilaktyka. 15. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Equine herpesvirus type 1 (EHV-1) is a double-stranded DNA virus occurring in all breeds of horses. It belongs to the Varicellovirus genus, Herpesviridae family and Alphaherpesvirinae subfamily. EHV-1 may cause epidemic respiratory disorders, abortions in pregnant mares, neonatal foal death, chorioretinopathy and also neurological disease, termed equine herpesvirus myeloencephalopathy (EHM). The infection spreads by inhalation of the aerosolised infectious virus or close contact with aborted fetuses, fetal membranes and fomites. Lifelong latency has been demonstrated especially in trigeminal ganglion, lymphatic tissues draining the respiratory tract and in peripheral blood leukocytes, from where the virus can be periodically reactivated. Both traditional serologic and virus isolation tests have been available for a long time, however, these assays have disadvantages, interfering with fast and reliable detection of EHV-1. Advances in molecular biology and the use of quantitative PCR system allow for more sensitive detection in a single genome copy range, higher analytical specificity and calculation of EHV-1 viral loads.

1. Introduction. 2. General characteristics of Herpesviridae family. 3. Historical background. 4. Virion. 5. Genome. 6. Glycoproteins. 7. Pathogenesis 8. Respiratory disorders. 9. Abortions. 10. Neonatal foal deaths. 11. Equine herpesvirus