1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Budowa HCMV. 3. Charakterystyka glejaka wielopostaciowego. 4. HCMV w etiopatogenezie glejaka wielopostaciowego. 4.1. Inicjacja nowotworzenia. 4.2. Inwazyjność. 4.3. Angiogeneza. 4.4. Immunomodulacja. 4.5. Nowe koncepcje. 5. Podsumowanie
Abstract: Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), a common bethaherpesvirus, usually causes asymptomatic recurrentinfections in nonimmunocompetent patients. Glioblastoma multiforme is the most common primary brain tumor, which etiopathology is unknown. Numerous studies implicate the role of HCMV in the oncogenesis of glioma by modulating signaling pathways. HCMV can modify the transcription of oncogenes such as Rb, p53 and STAT3; stimulate the mobility of glioma cells; induce angiogenesis and evade host immune response. This review aims to highlight the role of HCMV in the modulation of critical signaling pathway in glioblastoma growth.
1. Introduction. 2. HCMV structure. 3. Characteristics of glioblastoma multiforme. 4. Role of HCMV in etiopathogenesis of glioblastoma multiforme. 4.1. Initiation. 4.2. Invasion. 4.3. Angiogenesis. 4.4. Immunomodulation. 4.5. New concepts. 5. Summary