Browsing tag: granule RNA

Granule RNA – nowe elementy odporności regulujące homeostazę organizmu

Granule RNA – nowe elementy odporności regulujące homeostazę organizmu
P. Niedźwiedzka-Rystwej, B. Tokarz-Deptuła, W. Deptuła

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Granule stresu (SG – stress granules). 3. Ciałka degradujące (PB – processing bodies). 4. Granule egzosomalne (EG – exosome granules). 5. Granule powodowane promieniowaniem UV (UVG – UV granules). 6. Granule EGP (glucose depletion granules). 7. Podsumowanie

Abstract: One of the mechanisms of mRNA protection in dangerous conditions, such as stress or viral infections, is the formation of RNA granules. This mechanism depends on mRNA gathering within a granule, until the cell conditions are again stabile enoughto fulfill its functions. So far a number of RNA granule types have been described: stress granules (SG), processing bodies (PB), exosome granules, granules caused by UV, and glucose depletion P-bodies. Those elements are not only an extremely important factor influencing cell homeostasis, but also a new element of immunity.

1. Introduction. 2. Stress granules (SG). 3. Processing bodies (PB). 4. Exosome granules (EG). 5. UV granules (UVG). 6. Granule EGP (glucose depletion granules). 7. Summary