Browsing tag: kwas L-jabłkowy

Metabolizm kwasu L-jabłkowego przez drożdże winiarskie

Metabolism of L-malic acid by wine yeast
M. Cioch, P. Satora

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Rola kwasu L-jabłkowego w metabolizmie drożdży. 3. Rozkład kwasu jabłkowego przez drożdże. 4. Enzym jabłkowy: struktura, funkcja i regulacja. 5. Genetycznie modyfikowane szczepy S. cerevisiae rozkładające kwas L-jabłkowy. 6. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Biochemical characterization of L-malate degradation pathways indicates that the physiological role and regulation of L-malic acid metabolism different significantly between the K(–) and K(+) yeasts. In contrast to K(+), K(–) group including Saccharomyces strains, Schizosccharomyces pombe and Zygosaccharomyces bailli that are capable of utilizing only the TCA cycle intermediates in the presence of glucose or other sources of carbon. Variety of factors that influence the ability of yeast strains to efficiently degrade L-malate is associated with the wine fermentation process, intracellular transport and effective acid metabolism. The paper presents the essential information regarding the construction and regulation of the gene encoding malic enzyme expression and the role of L-malic acid in the yeast metabolism.

1. Introduction. 2. The role of L-malic acid in the metabolism of yeast. 3. Utilization of L-malic acid by yeast. 4. Malic enzyme: structure, function and regulation. 5. Genetically modified S. cerevisiae strains decaying L-malic acid. 6. Summary