Browsing tag: Leptospira spp.

Krętki Leptospira spp. – chorobotwórczość i diagnostyka zakażeń

Leptospira spp. spirochetes – pathogenicity and diagnosis of infections
B. Fiecek, S. Tylewska-Wierzbanowska

1. Wstęp. 2. Charakterystyka rodzaju Leptospira. 3. Systematyka Leptospira spp. 4. Zakażenia Leptospira spp. 4.1. Czynniki chorobotwórcze bakterii z rodzaju Leptospira. 4.2. Leptospiroza – objawy i leczenie. 5. Odpowiedź immunologiczna gospodarza na zakażenie Leptospira spp. 5.1. Szczepionki. 6. Diagnostyka zakażeń wywoływanych przez Leptospira spp. 7. Epidemiologia leptospirozy. 8. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Leptospirosis is a zoonotic disease caused by spirochetes of the genus Leptospira. Humans are infected Leptospira spp. through contact with urine of carrier animals or contaminated surface water or soil. In humans, leptospirosis can have a wide range of manifestations such as: flu-like symptoms with mild hepatic and renal dysfunction or serious damage of the kidneys, liver, lungs, heart, brain and eyes, ending with the death of the patient. Factors increasing the risk of leptospiral infection include: water sports, fishing, hunting, rice plantation and a profession such as a butcher, a veterinarian, pigs farmer, sewer worker or military personnel. Leptospirosis has similar signs and symptoms to dengue, influenza, and rickettsial diseases. Leptospirosis is increasingly recognized as a public health problem. This disease is a cause of growing morbidity and mortality in both developed and developing countries.

1. Introduction. 2. Characteristics of Leptospira spp. 3. Systematics of Leptospira spp. 4. Leptospira spp. infections. 4.1. Pathogenic factors of the genus Leptospira. 4.2. Leptospirosis – symptoms and treatment. 5. Host immune responses to leptospiral infections. 5.1. Vaccines. 6. Diagnosis of infections caused by Leptospira spp. 7. The epidemiology of leptospirosis. 8. Summary