Browsing tag: nanotechnologia

Nanotechnologia w mikrobiologii – wybrane aspekty

Nanotechnology in microbiology – selected aspects
P. Nawrotek, A. Augustyniak

1. Wstęp. 2. Charakterystyka nanomateriałów. 3. Zastosowanie nanomateriałów w mikrobiologii. 4. Nanomateriały pochodzenia mikrobiologicznego. 5. Oddziaływanie nanomateriałów na mikroorganizmy środowiskowe. 6. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Microbiology plays an important role in nanotechnology, especially that the natural environment (particularly soil) is considered to be the main reservoir of modern molecular nanomaterials, which may influence its inhabitants – microorganisms. Variety of shapes, sizes and properties predestine nanomaterials for tools in the development of many life aspects and associated disciplines, including medicine, agriculture and biotechnology. At the same time, the present knowledge regarding consequences of the interaction between, e.g., environmental microorganisms and nanomaterials (such as silica nanospheres, carbon nanotubes, or graphene oxide flakes modified with titanium dioxide, copper or silver) seems to be insufficient. It is problematic to predict distant outcome and significance of the exposition to such nanostructures. Therefore, it is fundamental to describe the interactions between nanomaterials and living organisms, including bacteria and fungi, which constitute the first barrier between the nanotechnological products and the natural environment. Undertaking the steps for health and environment protection is particularly required when nanomaterials are used for agrotechnical purposes, e.g., exploitation of nanomaterials-containing fertilisers. On the other hand, there are new possibilities of the nanomaterials production with the use of appropriate bacteria. Furthermore, it appears that microorganisms may be stimulated by the nanomaterials to overcome certain problems in the industrial processes.

1. Introduction. 2. Characterization of nanomaterials 3. Application of nanomaterials in microbiology 4. Nanomaterials of microbiological origin 5. Effect of nanomaterials on environmental microorganisms 6. Summary