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Mechanizmy wirulencji paciorkowców β-hemolizujących

Virulence mechanisms factors and pathogenic of β-hemolytic streptococci
K. Obszańska, I. Kern-Zdanowicz, I. Sitkiewicz

1. Wstęp. 2. Paciorkowce grupy A (GAS). 3. Charakterystyka paciorkowców grupy B. 3.1. Czynniki wirulencji GBS. 4. Charakterystyka grup C i G. 4.1. Czynniki wirulencji GCS/GGS. 5. Charakterystyka grupy anginosus. 6. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Streptococcus is a highly diverse genus of gram positive bacteria. They can be divided into different groups based on their phenotypic properties. Usually criteria include hemolysis (α, β or γ) or type of surface carbohydrate (Lancefield antigen). Classification often includes phylogenetic groups (divisions) such as pyogenic, anginosus (milleri), mitis/oralis, salivarius and bovis. β-hemolytic streptococci are usually classified as pyogenic and anginosus groups, while others (with α-hemolysis) are commonly called viridans streptococci.
Among over 40 streptococcal species, several cause infections in humans and animals. For several species changes of host range and severity of infections were observed. Over the last four decades multiple virulence factors produced by pathogenic streptococci responsible for infection dynamics were identified and characterized.

1. Introduction. 2. Group A streptococci. 3. The characteristis of group B streptococci. 3.1. GBS virulence factors. 4. The characteristis of group C and G. 4.1. Virulence factors of GCS/GBS. 5. Characteristis anginosus group. 6. Summary