Browsing tag: pasożyty


Interactions between intestinal microflora and parasites of rodents
K. Kowalkowska, A. Okulewicz

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Jelitowa flora bakteryjna gryzoni. 3. Badania na zwierzętach doświadczalnych. 4.Podsumowanie

Abstract: Natural intestinal microflora is a complex system of microorganisms providing homeostasis in the gastrointestinal tract of the host. Next to the bacterial commensals, there are other, larger and more hostile to the host organisms such as parasites. Laboratory rodent (mice and rats) may be contaminated with intestinal parasites, mainly pinworm species. Helminth parasites can alter the interpretation of final results. It is known that intestinal flora and parasites of animals may interact with each-other, but the nature of those relationships is not fully investigated. Unfortunately, our state of knowledge does not allow to predict the direction of those interactions, hence it seems important to carry out further research on this issue. In this work, current results of experimental studies on interactions between intestinal microflora and parasites of rodents are presented.

1. Introduction. 2. Intestinal bacterial flora of rodents. 3. Studies in experimental animals. 4. Summary

Czynniki biologiczne w etiopatogenezie schizofrenii

Biological factors in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia
M. Wiciński, B. Malinowski, E. Grześk, K. Szadujkis-Szadurska, A. Czeczuk, A. Michalska, J. Klonowska, K. Wójtowicz-Chomicz, J. Ostrowska, W. Stolarek, G. Grześk

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Zakażenia wirusowe a patogeneza schizofrenii. 3. Infekcja bakteryjna a schizofrenia. 4. Przyczyny schizofrenii a choroby pasożytnicze. 5. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Schizophrenia is a mental disorder, that affects 7 per 1,000 people, aged 15–35 years. There are many theories about the pathogenesis of the schizophrenia, but the most important is dopaminergic theory, according to which psychotic symptoms are caused by excessive stimulation of dopaminergic structures in the limbic system. Moreover, many investigations showed significant influence of various microbes on certain genes expressed during prenatal period. It may cause neurohormonal changes similar to these noticed in the schizophrenia. Furthermore, numerous scientific groups work in the field of the interactions between endocrine, immune and nervous systems. Due to the last theory, the correlation between viral, bacterial and parasitic infections and their impact on those systems, seems to be particularly interesting and requires further investigation.

1. Introduction. 2. Viral infection and the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. 3. Bacterial infection and schizophrenia. 4. The causes of schizophrenia and parasitic diseases. 5. Summary

Mikroflora i parazytofauna obcych i inwazyjnych gatunków żółwi

Microflora and parasitofauna of alien and invasive turtle species
O. Goławska, M. Demkowska-Kutrzepa, E. Borzym, P. Różański, M. Zając, A. Rzeżutka, D. Wasyl

1. Wstęp. 2. Inwazyjne gatunki żółwi. 3. Bakterie. 3.1. Salmonella spp. 3.1.1. Reptile Associated Salmonellosis (RAS). 3.2. Prątki. 3.3. Inne bakterie. 4. Parazytofauna żółwi. 4.1. Żółwie inwazyjne źródłem zarażenia helmintami żółwia błotnego. 4.2. Występowanie i patogenność obcych pasożytów u natywnych i obcych gatunków żółwi. 5. Infekcje wirusowe. 6. Infekcje grzybicze. 7. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Invasiveness of alien turtles results from their impact on the functioning of the local ecosystem. It is due to predation on or competing with resident species, but also transfer of new and unknown pathogenic bacteria, viruses, parasites, or fungi. Salmonella is the most often reported microorganism, both in free-living and captive turtles. Zoonotic aspect of Salmonella spp. carriage has led to the definition of RAS (Reptile Associated Salmonellosis) acquired from domestic pet reptiles. Mycobacterium spp., Leptospira spp. and aquatic bacteria are also found in turtles. Additionally, nematode transmissions from invasive turtles to the autochthonic ones have been described. Alien turtles were less affected by parasitic invasion than animals living in a native location, but the infestation of alien parasites in native turtle species was usually more severe. Reports on viral or fungal infections in turtles are scarce. The identified knowledge gaps justify the need for research which will provide basic and systematic data on microbial threats related to alien and invasive turtles present in the natural environment of Poland. It will also give more insight in the scope and the impact of the problem on epidemiology and public health.

1. Introduction. 2. Invasive turtle species. 3. Bacteria. 3.1. Salmonella spp. 3.1.1. Reptile Associated Salmonellosis (RAS). 3.2. Mycobacteria. 3.3. Other bacteria. 4. Parasitofauna of turtles. 4.1. Invasive turtles as a source of helminth invasion of European pond turtle. 4.2. Occurrence and invasiveness of alien parasites in native and alien turtles. 5. Viral infections. 6. Mycotic infection. 7. Conclusions