1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Probiotyki, a wybrane schorzenia u ludzi. 2.1. Biegunki. 2.2. Alergie. 2.3. Procesy nowotworowe. 2.4. Infekcje wirusem HIV. 3. Podsumowanie
Abstract: Probiotics are supplements or foods based on microorganisms isolated from the gastrointestinal tract of healthy humans. They have a highly positive effect on macroorganisms reducing the risk of potential pathogenic bacterial growth and influencing the host immune response. It has been proved that the microflora in the digestive tract ecosystem is conditioned by the presence of diarrhea and allergies Also other disorders, recorded already in the neonatal period, when the immune system was differentiating in the direction of pro-inflammatory and/or pro-alergic, can have an impact on the microflora. The administration of probiotic microorganisms and (or) chemotherapeutic agents, including antibiotics, improves the quality of the therapy because it results in the restoration of the balance between pro-and anti-inflammatory response of the gastrointestinal tract in such diseases as diarrhea, allergies, tumor processes, as well as in viral infections, including HIV infection.
1. Introduction. 2. Probiotics and the selected diseases and infections in humans. 2.1. Diarrhea. 2.2. Allergy. 2.3. Cancer processes. 2.4. HIV infection. 3. Summary