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Oddziaływanie fungicydów na mikroorganizmy w środowisku glebowym

The impact of fungicides on soil microorganisms
S. Sułowicz, Z. Piotrowska-Seget

1. Charakterystyka fungicydów. 2. Wpływ presji fungicydowej na ekosystem glebowy. 3. Oddziaływanie fungicydów na mikroorganizmy glebowe. 4. Triazole – charakterystyka i wpływ na ekosystem glebowy. 5. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Modern agriculture depends heavily on pesticides, including fungicides. Fungicides such as triazoles, when applied every year, may accumulate in soils leading to the development of resistance to the applied compounds and subsequently to the spread of resistance genes to other fungi. Additionally, fungicides can impact non-target soil microorganisms by reducing their biomass, changing microbial activity, and altering functional and structural diversity of bacterial and fungal communities. Soil quality is closely linked to the microbial activity, therefore, the effects of fungicides on non-target soil microorganisms increase concerns about the fertility of soil. This new knowledge about specific interaction between fungicides and soil microorganisms has to be taken into consideration in designing a new strategy for soil protection.

1. Fungicides. 2. The influence of fungicide pressure on soil ecosystem. 3. The impact of fungicides on soil microorganisms. 4. Triazoles – their characteristic features and influence on soil ecosystem. 5. Conclusions