Browsing tag: czynniki zjadliwości

Wystepowanie i chorobotwórczość dla człowieka potencjalnie toksynotwórczych maczugowców – Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Corynebacterium ulcerans i Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis

The occurrence and pathogenicity of potentially toxinogenic corynebacteria – Corynebacterium diphtheriae, Corynebacterium ulcerans i Corynebacterium pseudotuberculosis
A. A. Zasada

1. Charakterystyka rodzaju. 2. Występowanie w środowisku. 3. Zakażenia człowieka. 4. Czynniki zjadliwości. 4.1. Toksyna błonicza. 4.2. Inne czynniki zjadliwości. 4.2.1. Czynniki adhezji. 4.2.2. Pobieranie żelaza. 4.2.3. Fosfolipaza D (Pld). 4.2.4. Proteazy serynowe. 4.2.5. Neuraminidaza H (NanH). 5. Podsumowanie

Abstract: C. diphtheriae, C. ulcerans and C. pseudotuberculosis are closely related species possessing the ability to produce the lethal diphtheria toxin. The toxin is considered as the main virulence factor, but these species express also other virulence factors so nontoxigenic strains of the species are also able to cause serious infections. The interest in the virulence factors other then diphtheria toxin has been increasing and new factors and virulence mechanisms have been investigated. This paper is an overview of C. diphtheriae, C. ulcerans and C. pseudotuberculosis infections in humans, presenting the mechanism of action of diphtheria toxin adhesive factors, iron uptake systems and other putative virulence factors.

1. Description of the genus. 2. Occurrence in the environment. 3. Human infections. 4. Virulence factors. 4.1. Diphtheria toxin. 4.2.  Other virulence factors. 4.2.1. Adhesive factors. 4.2.2. Iron utilization. 4.2.3. Phospholipase D (Pld). 4.2.4. Serine proteases. 4.2.5. Neuraminidase H (NanH). 5. Summary

Francisella tularensis – podstępny patogen

Francisella tularensis – a deceitful pathogen
K. Formińska, A.A. Zasada

1. Wstęp. 2. Chorobotwórczość, źródła i drogi zakażenia. 3. Występowanie choroby. 4. Wewnątrzkomórkowy cykl życiowy F. tularensis. 5. Czynniki zjadliwości F. tularensis. 5.1. Otoczka. 5.2. Lipopolisacharyd (LPS). 5.3. Pili typu IV. 5.4. Regulator MglA. 5.5. Francisella Pathogenity Island (FPI). 5.6. Białka błony zewnętrznej. 5.7. Białka wydzielnicze i systemy sekrecji. 6. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Francisella tularensis is an intracellular bacterial pathogen which causes a potentially lethal disease named tularemia. Some studies have been conducted to describe and identify the virulence factors of F. tularensis. This pathogen is able to infect a variety of cells of various hosts, including wild animals, especially rabbits, hares and rodents, and humans. This may suggest that genes of F. tularensis must adapt to many different intraorganismal environments. Still, little is known about the virulence of F. tularensis. This review focuses on the main virulence factors of F. tularensis which are involved in intramacrophage replication and its survival mechanisms during infection.

1. Introduction. 2. Pathogenicity and source of infection. 3. Epidemiology. 4. Intracellular life cycle. 5. Virulence factors. 5.1. Capsule. 5.2. LPS. 5.3. Type IV Pili (Tfp). 5.4. Regulator MglA. 5.5. Francisella Pathogenity Island (FPI). 5.6. Outer membrane proteins (OMP). 5.7. Secreted proteins and secretion systems. 6. Summary