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Witamy nowych członków Redakcji! W listopadzie zespół redakcyjny został rozszerzonych o nowych redaktorów działu. Do Redakcji dołączyły dr hab. Monika Adamczyk-Popławska i dr Agnieszka Kwiatek z Uniwersytetu Warszawskiego oraz dr Agata Goryluk-Salmonowicz z SGGW.  W kwietniu b.r. dr Agnieszka Sobolewska-Ruta przejęła obowiązki Sekretarza Redakcji. Dotychczasowy Sekretarz, dr Piotr Zaleski będzie kontynuował współpracę z Postępami Mikrobiologii w roli Redaktora działu biotechnologia. Więcej informacji w zakładce REDAKCJA.

Przygotowanie instrumentarium medycznego do zabiegów chirurgicznych. Część I – wstępna dekontaminacja i dezynfekcja

Medical instrument preparation for surgical procedures. Part I – initial decontamination and disinfection
B. Sokół-Leszczyńska, E. Sztark, P. Leszczyński, G. Młynarczyk, M. Wróblewska

1. Wstęp. 2. Podział instrumentów medycznych. 3. Kompatybilność i tolerancja materiałowa. 4. Centralizacja procesów dekontaminacji. 5. Transport narzędzi od użytkownika. 6. Oczyszczanie i dezynfekcja. 7. Suszenie. 8. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Developments in modern medicine, introduction of new surgical techniques and invasive methods of diagnosis and treatment, resulted in an increased risk of medical personnel’s contact with materials contaminated by pathogens. Surgical instruments pose a high risk of infection transmission, as due to contact with tissue they must be sterile. Reprocessing is the technological line, comprising a series of steps that must be done to contaminated instruments during the procedure which makes them suitable for reuse. The main stages of reprocessing are: cleansing, disinfecting, rinsing, drying, control of functionality, maintainance, packaging, sterilisation and verification of medical device quality and performance of functional tests, which allow the user to provide a sterile product, while maintaining its full functional capacity. The paper presents the steps of preparation of medical instruments for use, from transportation from the user, through the cleansing, disinfection and control. The sterilisation process and its control are discussed in part two of the article.

1. Introduction. 2. The classification of medical instruments. 3. Compatibility and material tolerance. 4. Centralisation of decontamination processes. 5. Transportation of instruments from the user. 6. Cleansing and disinfection. 7. Drying. 8. Summary

Przygotowanie instrumentarium medycznego do zabiegów chirurgicznych. Część II – sterylizacja i reprocesowanie

Medical instrument preparation for surgical procedures. Part II – sterilisation and reprocessing
B. Sokół-Leszczyńska, E. Sztark, P. Leszczyński, G. Młynarczyk, M. Wróblewska

1. Wstęp. 2. Kontrola i konserwacja narzędzi 3. Rodzaje opakowań sterylizacyjnych i zasady pakowania narzędzi do sterylizacji. 4. Załadunek komory sterylizatora. 5. Sterylizacja i jej kontrola 6. Transport do użytkownika. 7. Warunki przechowywania wyrobów sterylnych. 8. Reprocesowanie sprzętu jednorazowego użytku. 9. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Sterilisation constitutes another step in the reprocessing cycle of medical instruments. It aims at killing all types of microorganisms and spores. Preferably it should be performed by highly qualified personnel of the central sterilisation unit at the hospital. This part of the paper covers drying, control and maintainance of medical instruments, packaging, methods of sterilisation and its control, and releasing of sterile medical instruments. Problem of reprocessing of the single use devices is also discussed.

1. Introduction. 2. Inspection and maintenance of instruments. 3. Types of sterilisation packaging and principles of packing instruments for sterilization. 4. Loading of the sterilisation chamber. 5. Sterilisation and its control. 6. Transport to the user. 7. Storage. 8. Reprocessing of single use instruments. 9. Summary

Typowanie bakteriofagowe w diagnostyce pałeczek Salmonella Enteritidis występujących w Polsce

Phage typing in the diagnostic of Salmonella Enteritidis occurring in Poland
B. Dera-Tomaszewska, E. Tokarska-Pietrzak

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Typowanie bakteriofagowe. 3. Schematy typowania bakteriofagowego pałeczek Salmonella. 4. Typy bakteriofagowe Salmonella Enteritidis występujące w Polsce. 5. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Phage typing has a long history with regard to the differentiation of Salmonella serovars of human and animal origin. This method provides the fast and cheap characterization of frequent serovars on the sub-serovar level and is especially useful for primary epidemiological analysis before investigation by other, more expensive molecular techniques. Since the discovery of bacteriophages many different Salmonella typing schemes have been developed. More than one typing scheme may have been developed for a serovar. Several phage-typing schemes have been published for Salmonella Enteritidis. The most widely used is that of Ward et al. In Poland a different typing scheme is used − the Lalko et al. scheme. It employs eight typing phages for differentiation more than 20 phage types. Basing on the results of Salmonella Enteritidis phage typing, which has been conducted in Poland for many years, it can be noted that Salmonella Enteritidis infections reported in our country during the last fifty years were associated with two serious epidemics. Among the strains isolated during the first epidemic, phage types 2, 5, 7, 8 and 12 were predominant and the great majority of the strains were represented by types 8 and 5. Phage types 1, 6 and 7 were found to be dominated during 27 years of the second Salmonella Enteritidis epidemic in Poland. The strains of type 7 were the most numerous ones. The results of phage typing indicate that sources of infections of these two Salmonella Enteritidis epidemics are quite different. However, a relationship between them exists: Salmonella Enteritidis type 7 organisms occur in both. During the first epidemic they were isolated in a relatively small percentage and only from humans. The great majority of sources of Salmonella Enteritidis infections associated with the second epidemic were dominated by them. They were also prevalent in human isolates. Generally, during the last 27 years, no significant changes in the distribution of Salmonella Enteritidis phage types in Poland have been observed. Although, it is noteworthy that except the same, permanent phage types continuously existing in the environment, the new types start to appear. They can suggest an appearance of new sources of Salmonella Enteritidis infections, unknown yet in our country, which is very possible as a result of effective elimination of currently existing ones.

1. Introduction. 2. Phage typing. 3. Salmonella phage typing schemes. 4. Salmonella Enteritidis phage types occurring in Poland. 5. Summary


Model studies on smallpox pathogenesis: the in&uence of vaccinia, mousepox and cowpox orthopoxviruses on the activation of transcription factor NF-кB
J. Struzik, M. Niemiałtowski

1. Wstęp. 2. Strategie immunomodulacyjne pokswirusów. 3. Rodzina czynników transkrypcyjnych NF-кB jako cel komórkowy immunomodulacji wirusowej. 4. Interakcje wirusa krowianki (VACV) z NF-кB. 5. Wpływ wirusa ospy myszy (ektromelii; ECTV) na aktywację NF-кB. 6. Interferencja wirusa ospy bydła (CPXV) z aktywacją NF-кB. 7. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Successful replication of the viral genome and the spreading of progeny virions are ensured by a repertoire of virus-encoded immunomodulatory proteins, which enable avoiding different mechanisms of cell response which are directed against pathogens. These strategies have also been evolved by poxviruses, which are being studied extensively due to the threat of the recurrence of smallpox caused by variola virus (VARV). This work describes three model viruses that are used in smallpox pathogenesis studies: vaccinia virus (VACV), ectromelia virus (ECTV) and cowpox virus (CPXV) and their in’uence on nuclear factor кB (NF-кB) activation. NF-кB is a widely studied multifunctional transcription factor that regulates both innate and adaptive mechanisms of immune response. The classical pathway of NF-кB activation is stimulated by viral infections; moreover, it can be modified by viral gene products. Poxvirus immunomodulatory proteins that interfere with NF-кB activation can be divided into several groups: ligand inhibitors, intracellular inhibitors of NF-кB, ankyrin repeat (ANK) NF-кB inhibitors and PYRIN domain (PYD) NF-кB inhibitors. The studies on their influence on the host immune response will lead to better understanding of viral pathogenesis and may help in drug and vaccines engineering in the future.

1. Introduction. 2. Poxvirus immunomodulatory strategies. 3. The NF-кB family of transcription factors as a cellular target for viral immunomodulation. 4. Interactions between vaccinia virus (VACV) and NF-кB. 5. The influence of mousepox (ectromelia; ECTV) virus on the activation of NF-кB. 6. Cowpox virus (CPXV) interference with the activation of NF-кB. 7. Summary