Proofs and conditions of publication

Authors are informed when the manuscript is received, and the editorial process begins. Reviews will be sent to the corresponding author by e-mail as a .pdf file. Responses to reviewers should be prepared by the author as text files and sent with the manuscript, corrected according to the recommendations (mark the changes made), to the editor within five working days.

Authors are informed of the manuscript’s receipt and the start of the editorial process. The date of acceptance for publication is provided for Authors when the manuscript is qualified for publication. Posting the transfer on account of the Polish Society of Microbiologists.

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Account number PTM: 57 2030 0045 1110 0000 0261 2550 is a prerequisite for starting the production of the article by the Editorial Office and our Publishing House.

The publication fee is USD 350 + 23% VAT (if applicable). Our journal does not offer fee waivers. Only the fee for corresponding authors who are current members of the Polish Society of Microbiology will be reduced to USD 300 + 23% VAT for manuscripts submitted in Polish and USD 230 + 23% VAT for manuscripts submitted in English. The fee may be paid in Polish zloty (PLN).