Preparing manuscript
Advancements of Microbiology publishes articles in English or Polish. Manuscripts must be written in the correct language, clear, and grammatically correct. American or British English usage is accepted. Manuscripts not written in clear and legible language may be rejected without peer review. The editors recommend using MS Word fonts, such as Times New Roman for text, Arial for tables, and Symbol. The manuscripts should be sent to the Editorial Office as editable text files (.doc or .docx) as an e-mail attachment.
Submission of the manuscript must include the following files:
- Cover letter
- Title page (title, author’s names, affiliations, table of contents, abstract and keywords)
- Manuscript’s text (Review, Mini Review, Orginal papers, Short Communications and Case-Reports)
- Figures and tables (if applicable)
- Description of figures (if the manuscript includes figures)
- Statement that the manuscript has not been published elsewhere or is not in processing by any other journal Open Access Agreement .
- Statement that all Authors read and accepted the manuscript Statement of authorship of the manuscript.
- Statement about conflict of interests Declaration of Conflict of Interest
Please send manuscripts with attachments to the editor’s e-mail
To ensure a fast manuscript flow, authors should present a list of five potential reviewers, including their affiliations and e-mail addresses. Authors are requested to choose experts from different countries and institutions in their field. Preselected reviewers should not be co-authors or their co-workers, be in a business, financial or personal relationship within the last five years, or share the Authors’ affiliation.
See also: