Rola mikroflory jelit w indukcji choroby Leśniewskiego-Crohna w świetle programu badań Human Microbiome Project

Role of microbiota in Crohn’s disease induction in the light of studies of Human Microbiome Project
A. Franczuk, E. K. Jagusztyn-Krynicka

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  • vol5142012257
    Rola mikroflory jelit w indukcji choroby Leśniewskiego-Crohna w świetle programu badań Human Microbiome Project
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1. Wstęp. 2. Podłoże genetyczne i immunologiczne CD. 2.1. Podłoże genetyczne choroby Leśniowskiego-Crohna. 2.2. Defensyny. 2.3. Nabłonkowa bariera jelitowa. 3. Rola mikroflory jelit w indukcji CD. 3.1. Zmiany dysbiotyczne. 3.2. Organizacja przestrzenna mikroorganizmów flory jelit. 4. Przyszłość metagenomiki w badaniu CD. 5. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Crohn’s disease (CD) is an inflammatory disorder which develops as a result of dysregulated interactions between gut microbiota and immune system. Because bacterial involvement in this illness is certain and classic methods of growing microorganisms are insufficient to clarify their impact on disease induction, metagenomics, as a culture-independent technique, provides revolutionary approach. This method become pivotal tool for a large project aiming at describing whole human microbiota – Human Microbiome Project (HPM). Studies on pathologically changed gut microbiota of CD patients involving metagenomic strategy provide profound analysis of intestinal microbial structure as well microbial localization. Ee review article also presents various aspects of the immune system functioning – such as genetic predispositions, dysregulated defensin secretion, poor epithelial barrier integrity, which contribute to improper immunological answer and promotion of inflammation.

1. Introduction. 2. Genetic and immunological basis. 2.1. Genetic basis of CD. 2.2. Defensins. 2.3. Gut epithelial barrier. 3. Role of microbiota in CD induction. 3.1. Dysbiotic changes. 3.2. Spatial organization of gut microorganisms. 4. Future of metagenomics in studies on CD. 5. Summary