Browsing tag: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia

Mechanizmy oporności na antybiotyki i chemioterapeutyki pałeczek Stenotrophomonas maltophilia

Restistance mechanisms to antibiotics and chemotherapeutics in Stenotrophomonas maltophilia
K. Hankiewicz-Ziołkowska, E. Gospodarek

1. Wstęp. 2. Antybiotyki beta-laktamowe. 3. Antybiotyki aminoglikozydowe. 4. Chinolony. 5. Kotrimoksazol. 6. Wielolekooporność

Abstract: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia are opportunistic bacteria which may manifest decreased resistannce to many antibiotics – beta-lactams, aminoglycosides, quinolones and co-trimoxazole. The mechanisms of resistance to antibiotics and chemoterapeutic are discussed.

1. Introduction. 2. Beta-lactams. 3. Aminoglycosides. 4. Quinolones. 5. Co-trimoxazole. 6. Multidrug resistance

Biofilm, pompy MDR i inne mechanizmy oporności Stenotrophomonas maltophilia na związki przeciwbakteryjne

Biofilm, MDR efflux pumps and other mechanisms of Stenotrophomonas maltophilia resistance to antibacterial substances
O. Zając, A. E. Laudy, S. Tyski

1. Wstęp. 2. Leczenie zakażeń S. maltophilia. 3. Oporność na związki przeciwbakteryjne. 3.1. Oporność na antybiotyki i chemioterapeutyki. 3.2. Oporność na środki dezynfekcyjne. 3.3. Oporność na jony metali. 4. Systemy pomp. 4.1. Rodzina RND. 4.2. Rodzina MFS. 4.3. Rodzina ABC. 4.4. Pompa FuaABC. 5. Biofilm bakteryjny i system quorum sensing. 6. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Stenotrophomonas maltophilia is a non-fermentative Gram-negative rod, which can cause many infections, including pneumonia and bacteremia, especially in immunocompromised or long-term hospitalized patients. The infections are difficult in therapy, because clinical isolates are usually highly resistant to many classes of antimicrobial agents, moreover, they are able to colonize medical devices and epithelial cells and form biofilm. The several resistance mechanisms of S. maltophilia to antibacterial agents have been described, among them: β-lactamases production, production of other enzymes modifying antibiotics structure and activity of multidrug efflux pumps (MDR). Up to date, eight MDR efflux pumps have been identified in S. maltophilia strains. These pumps belong to three different families of MDR pumps and RND family plays the most important role in multidrug resistance.

1. Introduction. 2. Treatment of S. maltophilia infections. 3. Resistance to antibacterial substances. 3.1. Resistance to antibiotics and chemotherapeutics. 3.2. Resistance to disinfectants. 3.3. Resistance to metals. 4. Efflux systems. 4.1. RND family. 4.2. MFS family. 4.3. ABC family. 4.4. The FuaABC efflux pump. 5. Biofilm and quorum sensing system. 6. Summary