Browsing tag: wirusowe zapalenie mózgu


Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE)
M. Popiel, E. Wietrak, T. Laskus

1. Wstęp. 2. Wirusowe zapalenia mózgu. 3. Opryszczkowe zapalenie mózgu. 3.1. Epidemiologia. 3.2. Patogeneza. 3.3. Objawy kliniczne. 3.4. Diagnostyka. 3.4.1. Reakcja łańcuchowej polimerazy (PCR – Polymerase Chain Reaction). 3.4.2. Badania serologiczne. 3.5. Leczenie. 4. Podsumowanie.

Abstract: Encephalitis is a severe neurological disease, usually caused by viral infection. Most cases of viral encephalitis have unclear etiology. Herpes simplex encephalitis (HSE) comprises about 10–20% of cases of viral encephalitis, and is the most common cause of encephalitis with known etiology. HSE is associated with 30% mortality in treated patients, while mortality in the untreated patients is as high as 70%. Rapid and correct diagnosis of HSE is essential for fast introduction of right treatment, which leads to significant reduction in mortality and lowers the risk of neurological complications.

1. Introduction. 2. Viral encephalitis. 3. Herpes simplex encephalitis. 3.1. Epidemiology. 3.2. Pathogenesis. 3.3. Clinical symptoms. 3.4. Diagnostics. 3.4.1. Polymerase Chain Reaction. 3.4.2. Serology. 3.5. Treatment. 4. Summary

Wirus zachodniego Nilu

West Nile virus
M. Popiel, G. Sygitowicz, T. Laskus

1. Wstęp. 1.1. Klasyfikacja i filogenetyka. 1.2. Budowa. 2. Transmisja. 3. Zakażenie WNV. 4. Epidemiologia zakażeń wśród ludzi. 4.1. Afryka. 4.2. Ameryka Północna i Południowa. 4.3. Australia. 4.4. Azja i Europa. 5. Epidemiologia zakażeń w Polsce. 6. Objawy zakażenia. 7. Diagnostyka. 8. Leczenie i profilaktyka zakażeń. 9. Podsumowanie

Abstract: West Nile virus (WNV), an arthropod-borne virus which belongs to the Flaviviridae family is maintained in an enzootic cycle between mosquitoes and birds, but it can also infect and cause disease in horses and humans. The WNV was originally isolated in 1937 from blood of a febrile woman in the West Nile province of Uganda. Since its introduction into North America in the New York area in 1999, it has spread throughout the western hemisphere. Since 1994, an increasing number of severe outbreaks affecting the central nervous system have occurred among humans. Clinical presentation ranges from asymptomatic (approximately 80% of cases) to symptomatic neurologic disease (meningitis, encephalitis and poliomyelitis-like syndrome) and death (less than 1% of cases).

1. Introduction. 1.1. Classification and phylogenetics. 1.2. Structure. 2. Transmission. 3. WNV infection. 4. The epidemiology of infections in humans. 4.1. Africa. 4.2. North and South America. 4.3. Australia. 4.4 Asia and Europe. 5. The epidemiology of infections in Poland. 6. Symptoms of infections. 7. Diagnostics. 8. Treatment and prevention of infections. 9. Summary