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Rola alternatywnych czynników sigma S (σS) i sigma B (σB) w odpowiedzi komórki bakteryjnej na stres oraz ich regulacja

The role of alternative sigma factor S (σS) and sigma factor B (σB) in bacterial cell stress response and their regulation
M. Opęchowska, S. Bielecki

1. Wstęp. 2. Alternatywny czynnik sigma B (σB). 2.1. Regulacja σB u Bacillus subtilis. 2.2. Regulacja σB u Bacillus cereus. 2.3. Geny zależne od σB. 3. Alternatywny czynnik sigma S (σS/rpoS). 3.1. Regulacja transkrypcji rpoS. 3.1.1. Czynniki kontrolujące transkrypcję rpoS. cAMP-CRP i EIIA (Glc). Wpływ ppGpp na transkrypcję rpoS. 3.2. Regulacja translacji rpoS. 3.2.1. Funkcje regulatorowych RNA w translacji rpoS. 3.2.2. Wpływ UDP-glukozy na translację rpoS. 3.3. Regulacja proteolizy σS. 3.3.1. Degradacja σS przez kompleks proteazy ClpXP zależnej od ATP. 4. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Bacteria successfully take possession of almost every recess of the earth. However bacteria can be liable to big changes of environmental conditions in every settled biotope. Some of them living in a high specializated medium do not show usually ability of tolerate others media than their most favourable. In case of changes of medium parameters some of bacteria start to migrate and look for others media securing them proper growth and development approximate optimum conditions. There are also bacteria which are able to survive in spite of changes happen in their direct environmental. Their survival competence is caused by the lack of susceptibility on specified medium changes or ability of adaptation to new conditions moreover by taking the profits from the medium. The tolerance and adaptation bacterial cells to different conditions which following in the nearest environmental result from cells response on stress factors. Precised signals coming from the medium cause in the cells a number of changes happen in genes expression regulated on transcription and translation level. The information coded in bacterial genome enable cells to produce many different proteins. However not all proteins are synthesized in the same time and the process of their synthesis is subject to strict control. Cells under stress synthesize proteins which secure them survival in untipical for their growing conditions. The main roles in this process play alternative sigma factors. Bacterial cells contain also general sigma factor (for example σ70 in Escherichia coli, σ43 in Bacillus subtilis) responsible for transcription most of the genes. However alternative sigma factors rarely regulate initiation of transcription. They are active only in case of cell stress conditions and also they take part in gene expression conected with the life cycle of the cell and stationary or exponential growth phase of bacteria. The most important function in stress conditions of E. coli plays an alternative sigma S (σS, σ38) factor. Because of its regulatory function a lot of attention is dedicated to researches refer to σS in a recent time. Sigma B – which is one of the best known alternative sigma factors in Gram-positive bacteria – plays a similar role to sigma S. Factor σB functions as a general response regulator to stress in such bacteria as Bacillus, Staphylococcus and Listeria. These two alternative sigma factors: sigma S and sigma B often, if not always work in connection with others form of regulation. Bacteria show ability of detection many signals coming from the environment by means of sensors systems situated in cell envelope. Although σS and σB play the similar role in the cell they are controlled by completely different mechanisms.

1. Introduction. 2. Alternative sigma factor B (σB). 2.1. Regulation of σB in Bacillus subtilis. 2.2. Regulation of σB in Bacillus cereus. 2.3. σB – dependent genes. 3. Alternative sigma factor S (σS/rpoS). 3.1. Regulation of rpoS transcription. 3.1.1. Factors controlling rpoS transcription. cAMP-CRP i EIIA (Glc). The influence of ppGpp on rpoS transcription. 3.2. Regulation of rpoS translation. 3.2.1. The functions of regulatory RNAs in rpoS translation. 3.2.2. The influence of UDP-glucose on rpoS translation. 3.3. Regulation of σS proteolysis. 3.3.1. Degradation of σS by the ClpXP ATP-dependent protease complex. 4. Conclusion

Proces biogenezy cytochromów c w komórkach bakteryjnych – rola białek Dsb (disulfide bond)

Cytochrome c biogenesis in prokaryotic cells – the role of Dsb proteins
P. Roszczenko, M. Grzeszczuk, E. K. Jagusztyn-Krynicka

1. Białka Dsb (disulfide bond). 2. Różnorodność procesu biogenezy cytochromów c w komórkach bakteryjnych. 2.1. Transport i redukcja apocytochromu. 2.2. Transport i przyłączanie hemu do zredukowanego apocytochromu. 3. Podsumowanie

Abstract: The bacterial proteins of the Dsb family catalyze the formation of disulfide bridges, a post-translational modification of many extracytoplasmic proteins, leading to stabilization of their tertiary and quaternary structures. In Gram-negative bacteria this process takes place in the periplasm whereas in Gram-positive bacteria it occurs in the analogous space between the cytoplasmic membrane and the cell wall. In E. coli (Ec) the Dsb system operates in two partially coinciding metabolic pathways: the oxidation (DsbA and DsbB) and the isomerization/reduction (DsbC and DsbD). In the highly oxidizing environment of the periplasm, there is also a need for selected proteins to be kept in a reduced form. Assembly of c-type cytochromes, essential for energy metabolism, is a case of point. Two distinct different systems for cytochrome-c maturation was found in bacteria: system I known as Ccm (cytochrome c maturation) and system II known as Ccs system (cytochrome c synthesis). They comprise two kind of proteins: those contributing to transport and reduction of disulfide bond of CXXCH of apocytochrome c and those involved in handling of heme and playing a role in its ligation to the apocytochrome. The cytochrome c maturation process requires ligation of heme to reduced thiols of the Cys-X-X-Cys-His motif of the apocytochrome. Since DsbA, the main periplasmic dithiol-oxidase randomly introduces disulfide bonds into apocytochromes, bacterial evolved a special redox system to revert these disulfides, in highly oxidizing environment, into reduced cysteine residues. Thiol-oxidoreductases, CcmG proteins, previously designated as DsbE, play a key role in this process. Here we discuss the variety of two cytochrome c biogenesis systems and discuss some of the current problems in understanding how the process works putting special emphasis on the recent achievements concerning the process driving by CcmGs.

1. Dsb proteins. 2. Diversity of cytochrome c biogenesis. 2.1 Transport and reduction of apocytochrome c. 2.2 Heme translocation and ligation into reduced apocytochrome. 3. Conclusions

Czynniki biologiczne w etiopatogenezie schizofrenii

Biological factors in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia
M. Wiciński, B. Malinowski, E. Grześk, K. Szadujkis-Szadurska, A. Czeczuk, A. Michalska, J. Klonowska, K. Wójtowicz-Chomicz, J. Ostrowska, W. Stolarek, G. Grześk

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Zakażenia wirusowe a patogeneza schizofrenii. 3. Infekcja bakteryjna a schizofrenia. 4. Przyczyny schizofrenii a choroby pasożytnicze. 5. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Schizophrenia is a mental disorder, that affects 7 per 1,000 people, aged 15–35 years. There are many theories about the pathogenesis of the schizophrenia, but the most important is dopaminergic theory, according to which psychotic symptoms are caused by excessive stimulation of dopaminergic structures in the limbic system. Moreover, many investigations showed significant influence of various microbes on certain genes expressed during prenatal period. It may cause neurohormonal changes similar to these noticed in the schizophrenia. Furthermore, numerous scientific groups work in the field of the interactions between endocrine, immune and nervous systems. Due to the last theory, the correlation between viral, bacterial and parasitic infections and their impact on those systems, seems to be particularly interesting and requires further investigation.

1. Introduction. 2. Viral infection and the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. 3. Bacterial infection and schizophrenia. 4. The causes of schizophrenia and parasitic diseases. 5. Summary

Wirus zachodniego Nilu

West Nile virus
M. Popiel, G. Sygitowicz, T. Laskus

1. Wstęp. 1.1. Klasyfikacja i filogenetyka. 1.2. Budowa. 2. Transmisja. 3. Zakażenie WNV. 4. Epidemiologia zakażeń wśród ludzi. 4.1. Afryka. 4.2. Ameryka Północna i Południowa. 4.3. Australia. 4.4. Azja i Europa. 5. Epidemiologia zakażeń w Polsce. 6. Objawy zakażenia. 7. Diagnostyka. 8. Leczenie i profilaktyka zakażeń. 9. Podsumowanie

Abstract: West Nile virus (WNV), an arthropod-borne virus which belongs to the Flaviviridae family is maintained in an enzootic cycle between mosquitoes and birds, but it can also infect and cause disease in horses and humans. The WNV was originally isolated in 1937 from blood of a febrile woman in the West Nile province of Uganda. Since its introduction into North America in the New York area in 1999, it has spread throughout the western hemisphere. Since 1994, an increasing number of severe outbreaks affecting the central nervous system have occurred among humans. Clinical presentation ranges from asymptomatic (approximately 80% of cases) to symptomatic neurologic disease (meningitis, encephalitis and poliomyelitis-like syndrome) and death (less than 1% of cases).

1. Introduction. 1.1. Classification and phylogenetics. 1.2. Structure. 2. Transmission. 3. WNV infection. 4. The epidemiology of infections in humans. 4.1. Africa. 4.2. North and South America. 4.3. Australia. 4.4 Asia and Europe. 5. The epidemiology of infections in Poland. 6. Symptoms of infections. 7. Diagnostics. 8. Treatment and prevention of infections. 9. Summary

Metabolizm kwasu L-jabłkowego przez drożdże winiarskie

Metabolism of L-malic acid by wine yeast
M. Cioch, P. Satora

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Rola kwasu L-jabłkowego w metabolizmie drożdży. 3. Rozkład kwasu jabłkowego przez drożdże. 4. Enzym jabłkowy: struktura, funkcja i regulacja. 5. Genetycznie modyfikowane szczepy S. cerevisiae rozkładające kwas L-jabłkowy. 6. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Biochemical characterization of L-malate degradation pathways indicates that the physiological role and regulation of L-malic acid metabolism different significantly between the K(–) and K(+) yeasts. In contrast to K(+), K(–) group including Saccharomyces strains, Schizosccharomyces pombe and Zygosaccharomyces bailli that are capable of utilizing only the TCA cycle intermediates in the presence of glucose or other sources of carbon. Variety of factors that influence the ability of yeast strains to efficiently degrade L-malate is associated with the wine fermentation process, intracellular transport and effective acid metabolism. The paper presents the essential information regarding the construction and regulation of the gene encoding malic enzyme expression and the role of L-malic acid in the yeast metabolism.

1. Introduction. 2. The role of L-malic acid in the metabolism of yeast. 3. Utilization of L-malic acid by yeast. 4. Malic enzyme: structure, function and regulation. 5. Genetically modified S. cerevisiae strains decaying L-malic acid. 6. Summary