Mikrobiologiczny rozkład kwasu cynamonowego i jego hydroksypochodnych

Microbiological degradation of cinnamic acid and its hydroxyl-derivatives
D. Wojcieszyńska, K. Hupert - Kocurek, U. Guzik

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Przemiany kwasu cynamonowego i jego hydroksypochodnych w warunkach beztlenowych. 3. Rozkład kwasu cynamonowego i jego hydroksypochodnych w warunkach tlenowych. 4. Biotransformacja kwasu cynamonowego i jego hydroksypochodnych. 5. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Microbiological degradation of cinnamic acid and its hydroxyl-derivatives occurs via aerobic or anaerobic pathway. The first step in the biodegradation of these compounds, both aerobic and anaerobic, is β-oxidation. The key intermediate in this process is benzoyl-CoA. In anaerobic environment this intermediate can be transformed to acetyl-CoA, incorporated into the central metabolism. Under aerobic condition benzoyl-CoA is transformed to protocatechuate acid, gentisic acid or catechol, compounds which are cleaved by a specific dioxygenase. Many microorganisms can transform phenolic acid to an amino acid or other compounds such as which 4-hydroxybenzoic acid, amide, acetophenone, which can be used in industry.

1. Introduction. 2. Anaerobic degradation of cinnamic acid and its hydroxyl-derivatives. 3. Degradation of cinnamic acid and its hydroxyl-derivatives under aerobic conditions. 4. Bioconversion of cinnamic acid and its hydroxyl-derivatives. 5. Summary