Browsing tag: Candida auris

Candida auris – nowy patogen grzybiczy

Candida auris – emerging fungal pathogen
D. Grondalska, W. Kmieciak

1. Wprowadzenie. 2. Zakażenia Candida spp. 3. Nowy patogen grzybiczy – Candida auris. 3.1. Epidemiologia i chorobotwórczość. 3.2. Problemy identyfikacyjne. 3.3. Czynniki chorobotwórczości. 3.4. Lekooporność szczepów C. auris. 4. Działania prewencyjne. 5. Podsumowanie

Abstract: In recent years, the incoming information about the emergence of new superbacteria and superviruses has been causing growing anxiety. However, also fungi are with increasing frequency reported as the sources of intercontinental microbiological hazards. According to the latest reports, quickly spreading, multidrug-resistant and difficult to identify yeast Candida auris may soon become the center of attention for clinicians, laboratory diagnosticians and the groups of advisers on the hospital-acquired infections, also in Poland. Unfortunately, the methods employed in routine microbiological diagnostics in the Polish medical laboratories cannot reliably identify this dangerous species. It is, therefore, necessary to implement measures to develop this field.

1. Introduction. 2. Candida spp. infections. 3. New fungal pathogen – Candida auris. 3.1. Epidemiology and pathogenicity. 3.2. Difficulties with identification. 3.3. Virulence factors. 3.4. Drug resistance of C. auris. 4. Preventive actions. 5. Summary