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Właściwości i zastosowanie podłoży bakteriologicznych

Properties and uses of bacteriological media
A. Mikołajczyk, E. Stefaniuk, K. Bosacka, W. Hryniewicz

1. Wstęp. 2. Przygotowywanie i przechowywanie podłoży. 3. Kontrola jakości. 4. Podział podłoży. 4.1. Podział ze względu na skład chemiczny. 4.2. Podział ze względu na konsystencję. 4.3. Podział ze względu na zawartość substancji odżywczych. 4.4. Podział ze względu na zastosowanie. 5. Podsumowanie

Abstract: The aim of this article was to collate information about bacteriological media, presenting their composition, properties and the resultingpossible applications of a particular medium or group of media in bacteriological diagnostics. The most important groups of culture media were classified basing on their composition (synthetic, semi-synthetic and natural), consistency (liquid, semi-solid, solid), nutrient content (minimum, nutrient-enriched) and use (transport, nutrient, selective, differential, selective-differentiating, for susceptibility testing). Taking into account the practical aspect, much space is devoted to the classification of culture media based on their possible use. For each group, several examples of culture media with their major components and bacterial species for which they are intended are given. Brief information about the quality assurance and control of media during their preparation, transport and storage is also presented.

1. Introduction. 2. Preparation and storage of media. 3. Quality control. 4. Classification of culture media. 4.1. Classification of culture media based on their composition. 4.2. Classification of culture media based on their consistency. 4.3. Classification of culture media based on their nutrient content. 4.4. Classification of culture media based on their use. 5. Summary