Bacteroides spp. – znaczenie kliniczne, lekooporność i metody jej oznaczania

Bacteroides spp. – clinical significance, antibiotic resistance and identification methods
S. Niestępski, M. Harnisz E. Korzeniewska, A. Osińska, B. Dziuba

1. Wstęp. 2. Systematyka bakterii z rodzaju Bacteroides. 3. Znaczenie kliniczne Bacteroides spp. 4. Oporność na leki u Bacteroides spp.
4.1. Bakterie z rodzaju Bacteroides jako rezerwuar determinantów oporności. 4.2. Oporność na środki przeciwdrobnoustrojowe. 5. Metody określania lekowrażliwości. 6. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Anaerobic Bacteroides species are dominant microbiota of the digestive tract of mammals. Along with other symbiotic bacteria located in the gastrointestinal tract, they contribute to the proper functioning of the organism. Some Bacteroides species are highly pathogenic. Virulence of these bacteria is related to their polysaccharide capsule, lipopolysaccharide and a variety of enzymes and enterotoxin. In recent years, an increase of antibiotic resistance in Bacteroides spp. has been noted, therefore the changes to the antibiotic resistance patterns in these bacteria should be monitored. This study summarizes the current knowledge about the bacteria of Bacteroides species.

1. Introduction. 2. Taxonomy of Bacteroides species. 3. Clinical significance of Bacteroides spp. 4. Antibiotic resistance. 4.1. Bacteroides species as a reservoir of antimicrobial resistance determinants. 4.2. Antimicrobial resistance. 5. Methods of drug resistance determination. 6. Summary