Metody fluorescencyjnego barwienia komórek w badaniach stanu fizjologicznego bakterii
1. Wstęp. 2. Mikroskopia epifluorescencyjna. 3. Cytometria przepływowa. 4. Barwniki fluorescencyjne. 5. Hybrydyzacja DNA, RNA. 6. Zastosowanie metod fluorescencyjnego barwienia komórek. 7. Podsumowanie
Abstract: Despite the fact that traditional, standardized methods give satisfactory results, in fact, they are nonautomated methods, which are characterized by a long period of time in obtaining results. Progress in microbiological analysis thus requires improvements towards the instrumental and molecular methods. Fluorescence techniques are a combination of both these directions, offering an interesting alternative to the conventional, culturing methods. The article discusses the benefits and limitations of the use of fluorescence-based staining methods. The potential use in diverse microbiological directions was described.
1. Introduction. 2. Epifluorescence microscopy. 3. Flow cytometry. 4. Fluorescent dyes. 5. Hybridization DNA, RNA. 6. Application of fluorescence-based methods of cell staining. 7. Summary