Rola i znaczenie proteinaz związanych z powierzchnią komórek bakterii Lactobacillus helveticus

The role and significance of cell – envelope associated proteinases of Lactobacillus helveticus bacteria
K. Skrzypczak, W. Gustaw, A. Waśko

1. Wstęp. 2. Właściwości peptydaz związanych z powierzchnią komórek (CEP) bakterii Lactobacillus helveticus. 2.1. Budowa i charakterystyka białek CEP. 2.2. Mechanizm katalitycznego działania CEP’s. 2.3. Geny kodujące białka CEP oraz mechanizmy kontrolujące ich biosyntezę. 3. Mechanizm działania systemu proteolitycznego Lactobacillus helveticus. 4. Znaczenie i możliwości praktycznego wykorzystania systemu proteolitycznego bakterii Lactobacillus helveticus. 5. Podsumowanie

Abstract: The authors present the current state of knowledge about the proteolytic system of Lactobacillus helveticus and compare it with system presents in other lactic acid bacteria (LAB). The proteolytic activity of these bacteria is used in food production, where the degradation of the protein is responsile for flavor, aroma and texture. From all lactic acid bacteria L. helveticus have the highest proteolytic activity, which directly involved the cell envelope associated proteinases (CEPs). This also contribute to a formation of bioactive peptides referring to value of health promoting food. L. helveticus bacteria seem to be unique in terms of variation of the number of genes CEP proteins of all lactic acid bacteria. This paper review focuses on the genetic basis determining the properties of CEP proteins occurring in L. helveticus and possibilities of practical application of these bacterial strains.

1. Introduction. 2. Properties of Cell – Envelope associated Proteinases (CEPs) of Lactobacillus helveticus. 2.1. Structure and characterization of CEPs. 2.2. The mechanism of the catalytic activity of CEP’s 2.3. Genes encoding CEPs and their biosynthesis control mechanisms. 3. The mechanism of proteolytic system in Lactobacillus helveticus. 4. The importance and possibilities of practical use the proteolytic system of Lactobacillus helveticus. 5. Summary