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Microbiological diagnostics of prosthetic hip joint infections
D. Strzelec - Nowak, A. Bogut, J. Niedźwiadek, M. Kozioł - Montewka, A. Sikora
1. Wstęp. 2. Diagnostyka. 3. Obluzowanie aseptyczne. 4. Obluzowanie septyczne. 5. Subpopulacje SCV. 6. Biofilm bakteryjny. 7. Hodowla bakteriologiczna. 8. Sonikacja. 9. Płyn stawowy. 10. Okołooperacyjna profilaktyka. 11. Podsumowanie
Abstract: A prosthetic hip joint loosening – septic or aseptic, is a consequence of a host defence a gainst a foreign body material. Aseptic loosening is connected with small wear debris peeling of from material the implant is composed of. Prosthetic hip joint infection is one of the most serious complications of hip arthroplasty, which is associated with biofilm growing on the implant`s surface and the presence of small colony variants (SCV) of microorganisms. Culture of microorganisms from removed orthopedic implants combined with sonication is simple and useful method to di;erentiate aseptic type of loos ening from bacterial infection. Another simple way is to estimate synovial fluid leukocyte count and percentage of neutrophils. All the mentioned methods, distinguishing two types of implant loosening, are very important in order to administer the appropriate antimicrobial treatment.
1. Introduction. 2. Diagnostics. 3. Aseptic failure. 4. Prosthetic joint infection. 5. SCV subpopulation. 6. Bacterial biofilm. 7. Microbiological culture. 8. Sonication. 9. Synovial fluid. 10. Perioperative prophylaxis. 11. Summar