Dwuskładnikowe systemy regulacyjne ziarenkowców Gram-dodatnich i ich rola w tworzeniu biofilmu

The role of two-component regulatory systems of Gram-positive cocci in biofilm formation
A. Nowak, S. Tyski

1. Wstęp. 2. Budowa, sposób działania i autoregulacja dwuskładnikowych systemów regulacyjnych (TCS). 3. TCS a biofilm. 3.1. Biofilm paciorkowców. 3.1.1. System VicRK S. mutans. 3.1.2. System ComDE S. mutans. 3.1.3. System HK11/RR11 (LiaSR) S. mutans. 3.1.4. System CiaRH S. mutans. 3.1.5. System CovRS (CsrRS) paciorkowców grup A, B, C. 3.1.6. System BfrAB S. gordonii. 3.2. Biofilm gronkowców. 3.2.1. System ArlRS S. aureus. 3.2.2. System GraRS S. aureus. 3.2.3. System WalKR S. aureus. 3.2.4. System LytSR S. aureus. 3.2.5. System SaeRS S. aureus oraz S. epidermidis. 3.3. Biofilm enterokoków. 3.3.1. System FsrABC E. faecalis. 3.3.2. System EtaSR E. faecalis. 4. Podsumowanie

Abstract: Two-component systems (TCS) are common in bacterial cells and play an important role in response to various signals coming from environment. The simplest TCS consists of two elements: a membrane sensor protein, which receives signals and the other – a regulatory protein that modulates target gene expression in response to the stimulus. The recent studies have shown that biofilm formation is dependent on many genetic factors, including the two-component regulatory systems. The bacterial cells living in biofilm communities are very vital and resistant to many antibiotics and antimicrobial agents. Therefore, in-depth knowledge of TCS involved in biofilm formation seems to be necessary to combat the growing resistance of bacteria.
1. Introduction. 2. Structure, organization and autoregulation of two-component regulatory systems. 3. TCS and the biofilm. 3.1. Streptococcal biofilm. 3.1.1. The VicRK system of S. mutans. 3.1.2. The ComDE system of S. mutans. 3.1.3. The HK11/RR11 (LiaSR) system of S. mutans. 3.1.4. The CiaRH system of S. mutans. 3.1.5. The CovRS (CsrRS) system of grup A, B, C streptococci. 3.1.6. The BfrAB system of S. gordonii. 3.2. Staphylococcal biofilm. 3.2.1. The ArlRS system of S. aureus. 3.2.2. The GraRS system of S. aureus. 3.2.3. The WalKR system of S. aureus. 3.2.4. The LytSR system of S. aureus. 3.2.5. The SaeRS system of S. aureus and S. epidermidis. 3. Enterococcal biofilm. 3.3.1. The FsrABC system of E. faecalis. 3.3.2. The EtaSR system of E. faecalis . 4. Summar